Privacy Policy


For FIDHAIL SL, data protection is an elementary priority. We want to ensure at all times that your private sphere is protected and that it remains so during your visit to .


In principle, you can visit without the need to transmit personal data. However, for the provision of individual services, it is necessary to process and use data related to you. As operator of, FIDHAIL SL is then governed by valid legal regulations related to data protection, especially the provisions of the organic law on data protection Royal Decree 1720/2007 (LOPD, its acronym in Spanish) published in BOE-A-2008-979. Your data will only be collected, processed or used by us if you express your consent or if a legal requirement authorizes us to do so. In this case, only data necessary for the execution and use of our service provisions, or other data that you may voluntarily make available to us, are collected, processed and used.

2.-What is meant by personal data?

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform in a clear, simple and complete manner of the protection and processing of personal data communicated or shared by Users with whom FIDHAIL SL maintains some type of relationship. of its possible transfer to third parties and of the rights and options that Users have to control their personal information and protect their privacy in accordance with current regulations.

3.-For what purpose do we collect, process and use personal data?

To process orders, shipments and provision of services.

To process the payment process (in case of invoice payment or direct debit and also for the necessary solvency verification).

To communicate with you in order to discuss issues related to orders, products, services or marketing offers from FIDHAIL.

For updating and maintaining our clients' data.

For the technical optimization of our Internet pages.

To enable third parties to, at our request, perform technical or logistics services, in addition to other types of services.

4.-What information do we collect during this process?

Only information entered by you in our online store, as well as information that you transmit to us in some other way, is collected, stored and processed. You are free to not provide certain information, which could, however, lead to some of our offers, services or features not being available to you.

5.-You provide us with data every time you:

You fill out an order and send it.

You communicate with us by telephone, email, fax or letter.

You sign up for our newsletter.

You can revoke your authorization to use, process and transmit your data to third parties for marketing purposes at any time by sending an email to or by mail to the following address:


C/Velazquez, nº35. Madrid 28001.

Telephone: (+34)911230589

However, this does not apply to the data necessary to process your order. Once we receive your revocation, we will no longer use, process and transmit the data in question for any purpose other than the processing of your purchase, and we will stop sending you advertising.


By subscribing to our newsletter, your first and last name, as well as your email address, will be used with your consent for some advertising purposes. The sending of the newsletter is carried out by one of our service providers to whom we have entrusted this task. Acceptance to receive the newsletter by email can be revoked at any time. To do this, in each edition you will find a link where you can cancel your subscription.

7.-Transmission of personal data to third parties

In order to optimally process your order, it is necessary for us to transmit your data to third parties. For example, in relation to shipping processing, we need to provide this data to our logistics partner. On the other hand, for credit and identity verification, as well as solvency, in addition to making collections, we transmit your data to economic information services or debt collection companies. In this way we want to avoid difficulties in payment processes and prevent possible resulting damages in advance.

8.-How long do we store the data?

Only the time required to process our services or the time prescribed by legal obligations.

9.-How do we secure your data?

We have implemented technical and organizational measures that protect your data against loss, manipulation or unauthorized access by third parties. We regularly update our security measures based on continuous technological development.

For our online store and the transmission of the data you provide there, including payment information, we encrypt the information using the procedure called SSL (secure socket layer). Currently, this is the most common and secure procedure for transmitting data on the Internet.

10.-Technical and statistical data

If you visit our website, technical and statistical data related to visits to the FIDHAIL online store is automatically and immediately collected. In this case, these are data such as the IP address, browser type and operating system of the user. The date and time of your visit to individual web pages is also included. These data are used for the continuous improvement of our website and are evaluated anonymously, for strictly statistical purposes.

For marketing and optimization purposes, anonymous data is collected and analyzed on the web pages of our online store. From this data it is possible to create a user profile under a pseudonym. For this purpose, cookies may be used, i.e. small text files that are stored locally, also under a pseudonym, in the cache of the website visitor's Internet browser. Cookies allow recognition of the Internet browser. Without the authorization specifically given by the user, the data is not used to personally identify the visitor to our online store nor is it merged with the personal information of the bearer of the pseudonym. The collection and storage of data can be revoked at any time with future effect.

This information is only collected in order to keep the data secure and to optimize our online offering. No further evaluation of the data is carried out, unless it is for statistical purposes, in which case their processing is basically anonymous. Nor are browsing profiles or similar elements related to people created or processed.


We use “cookies” (small text files, which are stored on the hard drive of your computer) in order to facilitate your navigation. Only through these cookies, present in each session, can you view the shopping basket, regardless of the page you are on, and comfortably read how many items are in your basket and how much the current amount of your purchase is. . If you do not wish to use cookies, we offer you the possibility of using your browser's own blocking option. However, we would like to warn you that, in this case, you will no longer have the shopping cart option.

12.-Where can you obtain information about the data that has been stored by us?

You have the right to request information about your data stored by us. If your data is incorrect or was obtained illegally, we will correct it or block and delete it. You can use this right at any time. For this reason, we request that you notify us of any modification to your data. If you have questions about data protection, please send us an email to or write to us at the following address:


C/Velazquez, nº35. Madrid 28001.

Telephone: (+34)911230589