Terms of sale

1.-Owner of the Website


VAT: B09627084

Registered office: C/Velazquez, nº35

Postal code: 28001

Location: Madrid

Province: Madrid

Telephone: (+34)911230589


2.-Object of the conditions

These Conditions are intended to regulate access and the acquisition regime of the products provided by FIDHAIL SL. (hereinafter THE COMPANY) to the User through its Web page, constituting the legal framework that develops the contractual relationship.

Users expressly accept full and unreserved adherence to these stipulations, in the version published by THE COMPANY at the time the User contracts the product and/or content in which they are interested. Therefore, the User undertakes to carefully read the contract conditions each time he proceeds to contract a product, given that they may have been modified since the last time he accessed them.

By accepting these General Contracting Conditions, the User declares:

That is a person with ability to hire.

That you have read and accept these general contracting conditions.

The User will always and in any case have access, prior to the start of the product contracting procedure, to the contracting conditions, which may be stored and/or reproduced on a durable medium.


The applicable prices are those listed on the WEBSITE at the time the customer places their order.

The price of the products that appear on the WEBSITE includes the Value Added Tax. The corresponding Value Added Tax (VAT) is already included in the price of the products, depending on the product.

The prices and rates applicable to the contracting of the services by the user will be those that appear in the online store owned by THE COMPANY at the time the user accesses the specific service, and proceeds to start the contracting process.

FIDHAIL reserves the right to modify product prices when it deems appropriate and making it visible on this website.

FIDHAIL adequately complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the "Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce" (LSSI-CE), the "Retail Trade Regulation Law for sales distance", and to the "Law of the VAT Order applied to Electronic Commerce".

4.-Conditions of sale

The prices and texts published on www.luxenter.com are subject to variations without prior notice, including technical specifications.

It is the customer's obligation to check the merchandise delivered to them. In the event that the customer requests an exchange due to a defect in the product at the time of delivery, FIDHAIL will proceed to collect said product through the courier and will exchange it for another one in perfect condition, or will refund the corresponding amount. Likewise, FIDHAIL will assume the shipping cost of the new product.

FIDHAIL is not responsible under any circumstances for damages caused by misuse of the goods.

The user accepts these General Conditions of Sale, which will remain perfectly accessible from this website.

The Offers and Promotions will have the validity specified in each case. If stocks run out before the end date of the offer, a product of equivalent quality and price may be supplied, by mutual agreement with the user.

The user will be able to consult the description and essential characteristics of each item in their corresponding product sheets.

5.-Rights and obligations of the parties

Obligations of THE COMPANY

THE COMPANY undertakes to comply with the following contractual obligations derived from the commercial relationship with the User as a result of the contracting of the services by the User:

Provide the service requested by the user in accordance with the provisions of the contract conditions, without violating contractual good faith.

Expressly inform the User of the existence of these conditions prior to the start of the contracting procedure.

Inform the User prior to contracting and in a concrete, clear, precise and unequivocal manner, of the specific characteristics of the services requested, such as their price and applicable taxes.

Make available to the User a copy of the text of the general conditions.

User Obligations

For his part, the User undertakes to:

Carry out full compliance with the provisions of these conditions of the services provided by THE COMPANY.

Complete the registration forms prior to the start of the contracting procedure with true and current information.

Correctly provide the bank details requested by THE COMPANY

Pay the price of the products purchased, without the presentation of a claim exempting you from this obligation.

User Rights

All information provided to the client will be binding on the offeror in the terms established by current legislation.

Every user has the right that the goods they acquire are of the category and legal requirements contracted or of that quality that is directly proportional to the category of the establishment.

6.-Conditions of use

The User undertakes and guarantees to use the website in accordance with the provisions established in the general contracting conditions, the provisions of the applicable regulations, as well as matters relating to morality and good customs.

By accepting these provisions, the user agrees to use this website and the products made available on it, in the manner and manner established therein. Being obliged not to use this website and its products for illegal purposes and/or contrary to the purposes established in this legal notice, which could be harmful to the rights and/or interests of third parties or which in any way could damage this website or prevent its correct functioning or the products that are offered or will be offered in the future.

Likewise, the User will refrain from obtaining the content provided on the website by illicit, fraudulent, theft or plagiarism means, in accordance with the provisions of the Penal Code and the applicable regulations.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to not grant access to the website, without prior notice, to any User who contravenes the provisions of these general contracting conditions.

For his part, the User undertakes not to make illicit use of the contents of the website, or that may cause harm to THE COMPANY. Therefore, the User will refrain, without limitation, from modifying, copying, distributing , publish, assign and/or sell any information or appearance concerning the website owned by THE COMPANY.

7.-Safe environment

THE COMPANY, through the website, uses cutting-edge technology means to guarantee the protection of information.

Likewise, THE COMPANY guarantees that the contracting of the products is carried out in a safe environment.

8.-Period of validity of these conditions

The User expressly exonerates THE COMPANY from all liability for direct and indirect damages derived from possible errors on the website, as well as for possible interruption, suspension, delay or anomaly in access to it.

THE COMPANY undertakes to take the utmost care to preserve the website from any viruses, Trojans and other elements that could violate or damage the computer system of the User or third parties. In any case, the User exonerates THE COMPANY from all liability for direct or indirect damages caused by the eventual existence of such harmful or malicious elements.

9.-Period of validity of these conditions

The period of validity of these conditions will be the time they remain published on the website and will apply to the services purchased at the time these conditions were available.

In any case, THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify them unilaterally, without this affecting the services contracted by users prior to the modification, except in those cases in which the user has changed or modified the service. contracted, in which case the conditions in force at the time of the change and/or modification will apply.

10.-Nullity and ineffectiveness of the clauses

If any clause included in these conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity will affect only said provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective, with all other conditions subsisting.


Any contentious issue that concerns the services provided will be resolved through the consumer arbitration courts, mediators or similar to which THE COMPANY is affiliated at the time the dispute occurs, as well as the corresponding courts and tribunals in accordance with Spanish legislation.

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